

St Joseph Cemetery sign image
Philip Marino Grave Marker Image
St. Joseph’s Cemetery Sign
Philip Marino Grave Marker

This grave marker which is at St. Joseph’s Cemetery, located at
179 Hackensack Avenue Hackensack, New Jersey reveals that
Philip Marino served in the United States Army most likely around 1912 which would have been during the Mexican Border Conflict, after high school, because the grave marker does not state World War I. Philip Marino died at the age of only 51.
Philip Marino was also not on the October 1918 Honor Roll list, but this confirms his connection to Hackensack by being buried within its borders since passing and forevermore.

Your grave marker confirms your service for which we are grateful.

Written by:
Bob Meli
July 28, 2018


Background image of U.S. Army during Mexican Border Conflicts 1912 obtained from: